It is amazing how we can travel the world and learn about different topics just by reading books. We are just as limited in our knowledge as many books we read.

pile of five books
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life – Mark Twain

There are books and there are books but books on self-development stand out for me. If I figure out reading a particular book will not help me to be a better version of myself, I will rarely be caught reading it. If I read a book and I come out better, we stick.

My basic interests include relationship, personal finance, career and my Christian walk.

In my journey around books, these five books have stuck. They still remain relevant even years after.

  1. Multiple streams of income by Robert G. Allen: In this economic downturn, it should not be a debate over whether an extra source of income is relevant or not. The recession is taking a toll and it is about the survival of the fittest. Only the financially wise survive.

Unfortunately, financial education is not taught in our schools.

In this book, Robert G. Allen gives practical and feasible ways of earning extra income and how you can gain financial freedom in the long run.

If you are looking forward to financial freedom, you should consider reading this.

With money in your pocket, you are wise , you are handsome and you sing well too

Yiddish Proverb

  1. Attitude 101 by John Maxwell: Attitude is everything. Our attitude goes a long way in reflecting who we are.

In this book, John Maxwell explains how our attitude can affect every area of our lives and how to develop the right attitude for success in all areas.

When confronted with a difficult situation, a person with an outstanding attitude makes the best of it while he gets the worst of it

– Adapted from Attitude 101

  1. The five love languages by Gary Chapman: This book will forever remain a classic. The secrets in this book have been helping to repair relationships and improve communication. If you seek to improve your relationship, then you should consider reading this.

In this book, Gary Chapman explains how learning and communicating in each other love languages can improve communication and hence; intimacy in our relationship. It is a good book worth reading.

If we are to develop an intimate relationship, we need to know each other’s desires . If we need to love each other, we need to know what the other person wants

– Adapted from the five love languages

  1. Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg: I am so excited about the new revolution among us, women. We are evolving to be impactful in the society. However, this has not come without any opposition as it is still a man’s world even in the secular environment.

Our upbringing and society have even made us less confident of our potentials and doubt ourselves to make any significance.

Sheryl Sandberg speaks about these challenges in her book. Her life story is a case example that women can be what they want to be and make a significant impact in their society like the menfolk if we allow ourselves

This book encourages women to stretch themselves beyond limits. It is a good read.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see, when you take your eyes off the goal

– Hannah More

  1. Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer: How do we keep up with our Christian walk if we do not continue to seek ways to improve and grow spiritually? Our major challenge is taming the mind. This is where either positive or negative thoughts come from and our actions are the direct product of these thoughts

In this book, Joyce Meyer talks about our struggles with thinking the right thoughts and practical ways to help us overcome using the word.

For those who are who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the spirit and are controlled by the desires of the spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the spirit

– Romans 8:5 (Holy Bible)

Have you read any of these books? I would love to hear from you. Drop your comments

33 thoughts on “5 BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ

  1. Hey, informative post never read these books now thinking to give a try😉as u r recommending it


  2. All excellent books, I would also suggest “If life is a game these are the rules” by Cherie Carter Scott. I found this one was well worth my time. There was one in your list that I had not heard of so I will have to check out Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t read the books you recommended (yet), but boy do I love reading! I don’t know what I’d do without the option of sitting down with a good book and read away!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really think that certain courses really should be taught in the school and money management is top of that list. Far too many college students fall into the credit card debt trap.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I haven’t read any of these, but there’s two that stuck out to me, the 5 love languages and attitude 101 so I will definitely go and check these out! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂


  6. These books seem interesting to read, my favorite series was the Hunger Games and Divergent series


  7. For some reason, i have never been a big fan of Joyce Meyer but this book sounds right up my alley! I have been looking for a book and even though I normally stick to historical fiction, this might be a good change.


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